Learn a language right here with hundreds of free language-learning lessons. Get access to compact lessons from the experts and connect with a community of native speakers to help you master words faster.
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The world’s #1 way to learn a language

Learning with us is fun, and research shows that it works! With quick, bite-sized lessons, you’ll earn points and unlock new levels while gaining real-world communication skills.

Learn a language right here with hundreds of free language-learning lessons. Get access to compact lessons from the experts.

Changing the way people learn new languages


More than 1000 language combinations so you can learn from your native language


50 topics to prepare you for the most common situations


36 vocabulary builders to install words fast for constant improvement


41 real conversations to give you fluency in learning languages


Grammar features & conjugation tables to shortcut your progress


Quick Daily Lessons for constant improvement

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Learning with us is fun, and research shows that it works! Learning a language on Dialect is completely free, but you can remove ads and make faster progress with Plus. Try it free for 14 days!

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People love Dialect

Learning with us is fun, and research shows that it works! Learning a language on Dialect is completely free.


Moskur Alam

CEO of Web Design

Dialect is excellent - short and sweet and effective lessons and great quick review which is key to remembering. I love it! I’m learning Dutch!! I enjoy the dialogues and scenarios, which include helpful phrases that can be used in various situations.


Moskur Alam

CEO of Web Design

Dialect is excellent - short and sweet and effective lessons and great quick review which is key to remembering. I love it! I’m learning Dutch!! I enjoy the dialogues and scenarios, which include helpful phrases that can be used in various situations.


Moskur Alam

CEO of Web Design

Dialect is excellent - short and sweet and effective lessons and great quick review which is key to remembering. I love it! I’m learning Dutch!! I enjoy the dialogues and scenarios, which include helpful phrases that can be used in various situations.

Thinking about language learning?

Learn a language right here with hundreds of free language-learning lessons. Get access to compact lessons from the experts and connect with a community of native speakers to help you master words faster.